Mrs. Jissel’s Parent and Me classes, Parenting the 3-4 1/2 yr. old
Welcome to our Parent Education department, Mommy, Daddy, and Me! We are excited for the beginning of the new school. Together, we will support the development of your child’s social-emotional skills as well as their motor, early literacy and math skills, and kinder readiness all in a fun and play-oriented learning environment. Our class day includes activities such as crafts, story time, circle time songs, playground play, a variety of play centers, parent resources, and much more. You will build lasting memories with your child!
I will be teaching the following classes:
Tuesdays 9am-12pm, Parenting the 3-4 1/2 yr old
Wednesdays 9am-12pm, Parenting the 3-4 1/2 yr old
Thursdays 9am-12pm, Parenting the 3-4 1/2 yr old —BILINGUAL/Spanish
Fridays 9am-12pm, Parenting the 3-4 1/2 yr old
For a complete list of classes offered by our Parent Education department, please click on the Schedule of Classes button.
Quarter 1 classes begin the week of 08/19/24, Q2 the week of 10/14/24, Q3 the week of 01/07/25, & Q4 the week of 04/01/25. The fee is $60 for one parent and one child. You may register in person on the first day of class, in the classroom (R-802). For more information or to also register over the phone, you may contact the school office at (562) 698-8121 x1300.
Please note the following requirements:
Please bring proof of your child’s immunization record. Come prepared with a snack. Snack is scheduled at 9:50am.
Share this info with a friend or family member. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jissel Luna-Cienfuegos