ASB Council Meeting (Minutes) » Minutes - ASB Evening Council 10/05/16

Minutes - ASB Evening Council 10/05/16





October 5, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Council was encouraged to inform their fellow classmates on topics discussed at ASB meetings.

There were no May 2016 minutes to approve.

Program Update
  • Fall Term: August 22-November 18, 2016
  • Float Days: October 17, 2016
  • Veterans’ Day: November 11, 2016
Financial Report

The balance as of October 5, 2016 was $2,428.41

Report from Daytime ASB Council

The minutes from the May 4, 2016, Daytime ASB Council were distributed. Mrs. McKenna explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business

Mrs. McKenna discussed the purpose of the Council and the responsibilities of being an ASB member. She explained the role of ASB officers and informed the Council about voting in representatives at the November 2016 meeting.

Mrs. McKenna explained the rules to spending ASB funds. Ultimate approval of any expenditure must be approved by Director, Debbie Roberts.

Mrs. McKenna explained that the Daytime and Evening Councils are technically one; the Whittier Adult School ASB Council. Meetings are set at two different times for the convenience of both Daytime and Evening students.

Mrs. McKenna’s role is to organize and guide the meetings, but the ASB members vote on all necessary decisions.

Mrs. McKenna explained the events the Council has chosen to participate in, such as the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Toy Drive, and Blood Drives. The Evening Council voted unanimously to participate in both the Interfaith Food and Toy Drives.

Mrs. McKenna informed the Council that the ABE and ESL Daytime classes are taking place on the Cal Hi campus this year because the bungalows will be remodeled this year. To date, the students and teachers are adjusting well to this change.

The following Photo ID dates were provided: Oct. 11, 12, and 13.

Mrs. McKenna explained the Federal Program Monitoring visit by a team which will be visiting the Adult School and high schools. The visiting dates are as follows: Oct. 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Mrs. McKenna explained the benefits of the Adult Education Block Grant update.

Old Business

Mrs. McKenna shared “Thank You” cards from the staff regarding the Day of the Teacher celebration.

Student Concerns

There were no concerns at this time.


The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, ASB Council Coordinator & CTE Teacher