Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 1/26/12





January 26, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9:08 a.m. by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting. Students introduced themselves to each other. Everyone was thanked for participating on the council.

The minutes of the November 17, 2011, Daytime Council meeting were approved as written. Mrs. Roberts explained that the “approval” of the minutes means that the students are stating the “Minutes” are a true record of the last meeting. If corrections are needed, now would be the time to address them before the final document is submitted.

Program Update

The dates for students to get photo ID’s are February 15 and 16. The cost for an ID is $5. Mrs. Roberts explained that all the money made by the sales of the ID’s goes right back into the Student Body Fund. She also explained that the ID’s may be used to get student discounts from local businesses.

The Care Force One Mobile Health Unit is at theWhittierAdult School the 2ndTuesday of every month from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

There will be no classes February 13 (Lincoln’s birthday), February 20 (Presidents’ Day), and February 28 (Student-free Day/ WASC Preparation), and March 9th(District Teacher “Float Day”). The WASC visit will be March 5-7. Winter Term ends March 15, 2012. Spring Term begins March 19, 2012. Spring Break is April 9-13.

Financial Report

The financial report was distributed and discussed. The balance as of 1/25/2012 is $3,477.16. Mrs. Roberts explained that the majority of the budget’s income comes from the sale of Student ID cards. Mrs. Roberts informed students about some of the past expenditures made by the Council such as, parking lot lights and playground equipment for the child care facility. She explained what types of purchases are appropriate and the necessity of following the ASB Council purchasing guidelines.

Report from Evening ASB Council

The minutes from the November 16, 2011, Evening ASB Council was distributed. Mrs. Roberts explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business

The Daytime Student Council held its annual elections. Prior to the actual voting process, Mrs. Roberts explained that the officers would not be given too much work. She explained that for example, the responsibility of the President is mainly representing the ASB Council. This includes his/her presence at the yearly graduation ceremony. The other officers may fill in for the President if the President is unavailable. In between council meetings, if administration needs a student signature or a question answered the staff would ask an ASB officer. The following officers were voted in to represent the Council for the remaining of the year: President, Miguel Velazquez; Vice-President, Sharon Cook; Secretary, Heather Directo; and Treasurer, Eric Duran.

Mrs. Roberts explained the purpose of the students taking the CASAS Test and explained why they take it every term if possible. She explained that every benchmark made provides the school with additional federal funding. She let the Council know that the school receives around $370,000 annually from the federal government for CASAS and EL Civics benchmarks earned.

Old Business

The upcoming WASC visit was discussed and the need for students to be familiar with the Mission Statement and Student Learning Objectives was addressed. Mrs. Roberts explained the purpose of the WASC visit. She showed the students the final WASC Report and had it passed around among the students.

The Day of the Teacher was briefly discussed and Mrs. Roberts explained that further discussion on this topic will occur in future meetings when more time is available.

Mrs. Roberts shared that she did not have the opportunity, yet, to get the information about the student ID cards requested at the prior meeting, but that she will inquire and answer their questions, hopefully, by the next meeting. Students were interested in the possibility of having more information added to the ID cards such as, an address or birth date.

Student Concerns

Some students brought up their desire to bring back a Conversational Spanish class. One student suggested that the ASB Council looks for donation money from foundations in order to build up the council’s budget.


The next meeting will be February 23, 2012. Students will receive a letter providing them with the date and location of the meeting. The students will also be notified via email if they left this information on the sign-in sheet. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. McKenna thanked everyone for coming and participating in the council and for their interest in the school.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, CTE and ABE Teacher