ASB Council Meeting (Minutes) » Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 10/2/13

Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 10/2/13





October 2, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:58 A.M. by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna and Alma Gutierrez welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was explained to the Council that the Director, Mrs. Roberts, was out due to knee surgery. Alma Gutierrez was introduced. She will be the Spanish interpreter during the meeting. Students and staff introduced themselves to one another.

Mrs. McKenna thanked everyone for participating on the Council. The purpose of the Council was explained. The ASB meetings are an opportunity for students to meet with a teacher and an administrator to discuss students’ needs and/or concerns as they apply to the school as a whole. It was made clear that the ASB meetings are not the place or time for personal grievances. If anyone wants to discuss personal concerns, he/she should speak with the Director privately in her office.

Mrs. McKenna shared some of the past ASB activities; such as, the Thanksgiving food drive, the Christmas toy drive, the Red Cross blood drive, the Day of the Teacher event, and the high school graduation ceremony.

It was also brought to the Council’s attention that they are encouraged to communicate back to their fellow classmates the information shared at ASB meetings.

The minutes of the June 6, 2013, Daytime Council meeting were approved as written.

Program Update
  • Photo IDs are scheduled for Oct 15, 16, and 17
  • Fall Term Ends--Nov. 22, 2013
  • No Classes—Oct. 14 (Float Day)
  • No Classes—Nov. 11 ( Veterans’ Day)
  • No Classes—Nov. 25-29 (Floating Days & Thanksgiving)
  • Winter Term Begins—Dec. 2, 2013
Financial Report

The balance as of October 1, 2013, is $3009.46.

Report from Evening ASB Council

The minutes from the May 1, 2013, Evening ASB Council was distributed. Mrs. McKenna explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business