ASB Council Meeting (Minutes) » Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 2/18/16

Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 2/18/16





February 18, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:28 AM by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Council was encouraged to inform their fellow classmates on topics discussed at ASB meetings.

The minutes of the December 9, 2015, Daytime Council meeting were approved as written.

Program Update
  • Winter Term : November 9, 2015-February 26, 2016
  • Spring Term: February 29-June 3, 2016
  • Spring Break: March 21-25, 2016
  • Floating Day: March 28, 2016
Financial Report

The balance as of February 17, 2016 was $1848. 01

Report from Evening ASB Council

The minutes from the November 17, 2015, Evening ASB Council were distributed. Mrs. McKenna explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business

Director Debbie Roberts spoke at the Council meeting and informed students that the Adult School is restoring hours to the ABE and ESL programs. She also stated that the Summer School schedule is still tentative but that there will be summer school for four to five weeks and hopefully evening classes will be restored.

The majority of the meeting was spent on the Council members addressing Mrs. Roberts about a lack of respect occurring between staff and students. Mrs. Roberts told the Council she would address this issue with staff.

Mrs. Roberts also reviewed with the Council the ASB guidelines regarding the eligibility of students to attend a meeting. It is ultimately up to teacher discretion on whether a student is in “good standing” and can attend an ASB meeting.

A few students mentioned that they would appreciate a 10-15 designated student break following the 10:00 AM classes. Mrs. Roberts saw the importance of this and stated she would bring this up to staff to discuss.

Mrs. Roberts informed student that the spring Photo ID dates have not been set, but that she will try to set-up dates for a session in March.

Old Business

Students continued to riding skateboards on campus in an irresponsible manner. Mrs. Roberts told the Council she would discuss this issue in further detail with Security.

Mrs. Roberts discussed the issue with the bees around the trash can interfering with students being able to eat in peace. She said she will check with the janitors to get an up-date on this issue and the Council offered solutions. Mrs. Roberts will discuss this issue with Maintenance to see the best way to resolve this problem.

Mrs. Roberts discussed the “Day of the Teacher” event with the Council. No longer will ASB be offering lunch and dinner and gifts to staff as a way of honoring them. Mrs. Roberts and the Council discussed less expensive ways to honor the teacher; for example, the students could write poems or make cards for staff. Mrs. Roberts may find another source of funding to provide staff with a meal but she is not sure of exactly how that will be done. She suggested the Council participating in this event by serving the food and playing the role as hosts.

The council voted unanimously in favor of sponsoring a Presbyterian Blood Drive.

Mrs. Roberts is going to check with M & O regarding the placement of signs in the restrooms directing students to place all toilet paper in the toilet, not on the floor.

Student Concerns

The Council requested Mrs. Roberts discuss with the Frontier Administration regarding the Frontier students leaving trash out by the snack shack area and some of the Frontier students riding their skateboards recklessly on campus. She stated she will discuss this matter with security and Frontier principal.


The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, ASB Council Coordinator & CTE Teacher