ASB Council Meeting (Minutes) » Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 1-25-17

Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 1-25-17





January 25, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 12:40 PM by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Council was encouraged to inform their fellow classmates on topics discussed at ASB meetings.

The minutes of the November, 2016, meeting were approved.

Program Update
  • Winter Term: November 28, 2016- March 3, 2017
  • Photo ID Dates-February 8,9-2017
  • Lincoln’s Birthday-February 13, 2017
  • President’s Day-February 20, 2017
Financial Report

The balance as of January 24, 2017 was $3,122.63.

Report from Evening ASB Council

The minutes from the Evening, November 16, 2016, meeting were distributed.

New Business

Mrs. McKenna discussed the purpose of the Council and the responsibilities of being an ASB member. She explained the role of ASB officers and informed the Council about voting in representatives at the November 2016 meeting.

Mrs. McKenna explained the rules to spending ASB funds. Ultimate approval of any expenditures must be approved by Director Debbie Roberts before ASB monies is spent.

Mrs. McKenna explained that the Daytime and Evening Councils are technically one; the Whittier Adult School ASB Council. Meetings are set at two different times for the convenience of both Daytime and Evening students.

Mrs. McKenna’s role is to organize and guide the meetings, but the ASB members vote on all necessary decisions.

One of the Council members suggested the Adult School offer a CPR course to the community on a Saturday. Mrs. McKenna thanked the Council member for the suggestion and said she will bring the idea to Director, Debbie Roberts.

Another Council Member suggested the ASB sponsor a “Day of the Student.” She thought a celebration at the end of the year with music, food, and motivational speakers would be a wonderful way to support and celebrate the students at the Adult School.

A few students requested a back drop be provided for the Photo IDs. Mrs. McKenna will look into this possibility.

Mrs. McKenna informed the Council about a large closet full of professional clothing, both female and male, will be available to all students in room #305 before the end of the school year.

Old Business

Mrs. McKenna thanked all the ASB members for their attendance at the meeting. She recognized that the participation from the ABE and ESL Departments is very low this year due to the fact their classes are held off campus. She especially thanked the ASB and ESL members for making the extra effort to participate in the ASB meetings. We are hoping to encourage more students from the ABE and ESL Departments to attend future ASB meetings.

Mrs. McKenna will get an update regarding the mural the ASB is interested in buying for the school.

Mrs. McKenna will get an update regarding the Student Scholarships.

Mrs. McKenna will get an update regarding the ear muffs for students.

Student Concerns

No concerns were brought up at this meeting.


The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, ASB Council Coordinator & CTE Teacher