Minutes - ASB Daytime Council 05/06/15





May 6, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 9:24 AM by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Council was encouraged to inform their fellow classmates on topics discussed at ASB meetings.

The minutes of the April 7, 2015, Daytime Council meeting were approved as written.

Program Update
  • Spring Term Ends: June 5, 2015
  • Float day: May 22, 2015
  • Memorial Day: May 25, 2015
  • Summer School: June 15- July 16, 2015
Financial Report

The balance as of May 4, 2015, was $3051.14.

Report from Evening ASB Council

The minutes from the April 8, 2015, Evening ASB Council were distributed. Mrs. McKenna explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business

Mrs. McKenna informed the Council that summer school will begin on June 15 and end July 16, 2015. All departments will run classes in the daytime only. There will not be an evening program. The daytime program will be Mondays –Thursdays from 8:30-12:30.

Old Business

Mrs. McKenna informed the Council that she would continue to set-up the easel in the snack shack area to help promote the Student Photo IDs. Director Debbie Roberts had not scheduled specific dates for the taking of the spring Student Photo IDs, but she believed they would be scheduled towards the end of April.

Several Council members expressed their appreciation for the umbrellas that were put up in the trailer area. They shared that many of the other students also expressed how much they liked them, and they asked if perhaps the Council would consider purchasing a few more. Mrs. McKenna discussed the possible options: buying two large umbrellas (self-standing) at a cost of about $400; or buying two small table umbrellas at a cost of about $120. Mrs. McKenna recommended to the Council that they wait to vote on these purchases until they know the exact cost of the “Day of the Teacher” event and how much money would be available in the ASB budget. The Council agreed.

Mrs. McKenna responded to some students’ request at the March ASB Daytime meeting regarding the Adult School offering computer courses on Saturdays. Mrs. Roberts informed Mrs. McKenna that there were some issues with offering classes on Saturdays. Mrs. McKenna shared Mrs. Robert’s concerns with the Council. One consideration is the cost of having security on campus that extra day. Another concern would be getting an administrator to also be present on Saturdays. She did say that they are thinking of adding a computer class in the afternoons during the school week to allow more students access to a computer class at a convenient time.

Student Concerns

A few Council members would like the ASB Council to purchase more umbrellas for the tables in the trailer area.


The next ASB Daytime meeting will be May 6, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, ASB Council Coordinator & CTE Teacher