ASB Council Meeting (Minutes) » Minutes - ASB Evening Council 4/22/14

Minutes - ASB Evening Council 4/22/14





April 22, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:14 PM by Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Council was encouraged to communicate to their fellow classmates the information that is discussed at ASB meetings.

The minutes of the March 12, 2014, Daytime Council meeting were approved as written.

Program Update

Spring Term: March 10-June 6, 2014

Memorial Day: May 26, 2014

Summer School: June 16, 2014-July 10, 2014
Financial Report

The balance as of April 22, 2014, was $4,745.37.

Report from Daytime ASB Council

The minutes from the March 13, 2014, Daytime ASB Council were distributed. Mrs. McKenna explained that the minutes from each council meeting are given to the other council, so that they each know what is being discussed at each other’s meetings.

New Business

The Council voted on which food they wanted to have for the “Day of the Teacher” event. The majority voted to order the food from Lascaris.

The Council voted and the majority voted to buy $15 In-N-Out gift cards for the staff. The Council will be purchasing approximately ninety gift cards.

The student council voted to approve one $200 scholarship and three $75 scholarships for adults receiving a high school diploma. The scholarships will be announced at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 in the Whittier High School auditorium.

The Council voted and approved purchasing flower bouquets for the stage as decorations for the high school graduation. They also approved purchasing individual roses for each graduate.

The Council also unanimously approved to provide graduation caps and gowns to any graduate who requests financial need.

Old Business

A student brought up the idea of making thank you cards that would be signed by the evening students and these cards be set up in the lounge for teachers to appreciate on “Day of the Teacher.”

The Evening Council voted and approved voted and approved to purchase ASB t-shirts for the ASB members. In addition, they voted and approved to In addition, they voted and approved to purchasee and then sell Adult School t-shirts as a fundraiser. The majority of the members did not approve the purchasing of hats to sell as a fundraiser.

The The majority of the Council members decided not to purchase microwaves for student use.

The dates and times for summer school were provided to the Council.

Student Concerns

A member suggested that more time, creativity, and effort be put into advertising the dates for Student Photo IDs. A student recommended that the Photo Id Schedule be announced by the teachers and the schedule be posted in a visible location in each classroom.

A student also brought up the importance of all teachers encouraging more students to be involved with the ASB meetings.

A council member also suggested that all ASB meetings be scheduled for the entire school year and these schedules be provided, at the beginning of the year, to all staff and ASB members.


The next ASB Evening meeting will be held Wednesday, May 7, 2014, at 7:00 PM, in room #221.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Audrey McKenna, ASB Council Coordinator & CTE Teacher